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以下罗列了英文缩写 ACTS 的各种含义,点击英文全称可查看缩写详细释义。

ACTS Advanced Communications Technologies and Services 先进的通讯技术和服务
ACTS Automated Compatibility Test System (CTL/GSFC/NASA) 自动化兼容性测试系统(CTL/GSFC/NASA)
ACTS Air Corps Tactical School AirCorpsTacticalSchool
ACTS African Centre for Technologies Studies 非洲技术研究中心
ACTS Advanced Cargo Tracking System 先进的货物追踪系统
ACTS Advanced Communications Technology Satellite 先进通信技术卫星
ACTS Automated Computer Time Service AutomatedComputerTimeService
ACTS Automatic Computer Telex Service AutomaticComputerTelexService
ACTS Advanced Communication Technology Satellite 先进通信技术卫星
ACTS African Centre for Technology Studies 非洲技术研究中心
ACTS Amazon Conservatory for Tropical Studies 亚马逊热带音乐学院
ACTS Advanced Civil Transport Simulator 先进的民用运输模拟器
ACTS Association of Competitive Telecommunications Suppliers (Canada) 竞争性电信供应商协会(加拿大)
ACTS acute cervical traumatic sprain 急性宫颈外伤扭伤
ACTS Air Combat Training System 空战训练系统
ACTS American Coalition for Traffic Safety, Inc. 美国交通安全联盟
ACTS Acoustic Control and Telemetry System 声控遥测系统
ACTS Automatic Coin Telephone Service 自动投币电话服务
ACTS Advanced Communication Technologies and Services 先进的通讯技术和服务
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